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Metal Hammer and Classic Rock Magazine Cease Production

lemmy kilmister

Team Rock, the parent company of Metal Hammer and Classic Rock magazine (among others), have announced that they are bankrupt and all production will cease on those magazines and their former employees will not be paid for the month of December.

Say What!?

According to the last post on, "The Company is being managed on a care and maintenance basis only whilst a buyer for the assets is sought. Accordingly, the TeamRock website will be unavailable for the foreseeable future. The administrators are assessing the position regarding publication of magazines. If you are a subscriber to the Company’s publications the administrators can be contacted via email at"

“Today, 73 members of the Team Rock staff were told that the company is going into liquidation and that they are being made redundant with immediate effect with ZERO pay,” said Orange Goblin frontman Ben Ward in a statement, “These are good, hard-working, committed people that through Metal Hammer, Classic Rock, Prog Rock, TeamRock Radio and more, have supported the rock and heavy metal scene in this country for decades and now we, the rock community, need to pull together to help give something back.”

The Orange Goblin frontman started a crowdfunding campaign to help the former employees who suddenly are without a job and paycheck. The campaign has almost doubled it's initial goal.

Sweet..Sort of.

Team Rock has been the source of several articles featured on the Anarchy Radio blog and we were also an affiliate of their online store. They were one of the better music blogs on the internet.



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