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MTV Posts Most Racist Video YET: '2017 Resolutions For White Guys'

MTV News posted a fake news video on Tuesday called 'Resolutions for White Guys'. The video was basically a list of resolutions for stereotypes that were created by the media. The original description reads "Hey, white guys: we came up for some New Year's Resolutions for you, some of which include Black Lives Matter, Beyonce, Kanye West, and more!"

It's bad. REAL Bad.

"It's a about to be a new year. And here's a few things we think you could do a little better in 2017. First off, try to recognize that America was never great for anyone that wasn't a white guy."

So basically America sucks for everyone who isn't white. Got it.

"Can we just agree that Black Lives Matter isn't the opposite of All Live Matter," says another young woman, "Black Lives just matter, there's no need to over-complicate it."

All Lives Matter includes BLM, so what the heck is she talking about? Of course, Black Lives Matter has also been linked to violent attacks on white people and police officers. Regardless, using a weak, psuedo-intellectual safe spacer as a face for a racist cult doesn't erase what the George Soros funded Black Lives Matter movement has done to divide the country.

"Stop bragging about being woke. Stop saying woke."

 After it's release, the 90-second video of ignorance received so much backlash the former music channel had to remove it.


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