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Abnormally High California Support Gives Hillary Clinton Popular Vote Win

Bernie Sanders Supporters

It's been over a month since the election took place and Donald Trump won handedly. But more data keeps coming out about the election that rocked the world. This new report shows that Hillary Clinton only won the popular vote because of the abnormally high amount of Hillary Clinton voters in the state of California, where she won with over 60% of the vote, a higher number than the 53% in other states that she won.

Paging Jill Stein.

"If you take California out of the popular vote equation," says Investors Business Daily, "then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes."

Regardless, now that the election is over Democrats are calling to overturn the system that they had previously won, but no longer control. Citing the Hillary Clinton popular vote win, celebrity Michael Moore publicly offered to commit felonies by paying any electoral college member who shifted their vote away from Trump.


When Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump if he would accept the election results, he probably should have been directing that question at Democrats. The smug, arrogant group that thought they could fuse Hollywood and Politics to garner a stranglehold on the highest political office in the country failed, and they failed BIGLY.

Donald Trump won thirty states by an average of 2.5%. Donald Trump also won 3,084 of the 3141 counties in the United States. If California wasn't counted (which may happen next election via #CalExit), then Donald Trump would  have won the popular vote, as well.

Thanks California.

The loss might not be squarely the fault of Hillary Clinton, though. Since Barack Obama has taken office in 2009, Democrats have lost a massive amount of representatives across the United States.

Now that she is not going to be president, Hillary Clinton is definitely welcome to run for Governor of California (not really), but she might be met with disdain after rumors that the DNC stole the primary win from Bernie Sanders.

H/T - Infowars


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