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Newt Gingrich to Megyn Kelly: "You Are Fascinated With Sex"

The latest episode of 'The Kelly File" had former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on as a guest. Ms. Kelly, citing some poll numbers, cut right to the chase, asking Mr. Gingrich whether the Republicans had picked the wrong candidate. "Republicans are actually outvoting Democrats in Florida," said Gingrich, "They are out-voting Democrats in Pennsylvania. That's unprecedented."

Megyn Kelly then became flustered when she didn't get the answer she was looking for and became visibly annoyed at the notion that Donald Trump may win the election. "He had a rough first debate. He took the bait on Alicia Machado, he stayed in that trap for a week," said Kelly, "The Access Hollywood tape came out which was not produced by Hillary Clinton, that was Trump on camera talking about grabbing woman..."

While Megyn Kelly does refer to polls that show Donald Trump is not doing so well, mainstream polls run by liberal outlets have numbers which are misleading because they poll more Democrats, generally ranging from four to eight percent. Megyn Kelly then went on to defend the media's time put forth on the Donald Trump sex stories versus the corruption of Hillary Clinton and claim to have her hands tied behind her back when it comes to coverage of actual policy issues on her own show. "As a media story we don't get to say the ten woman are lying, we have to cover that story sir."

Gingrich responded masterfully, saying "So, it's worth 23 minutes of the three networks to cover that story and Hillary Clinton in a secret speech in Brazil to a bank that pays her $225,000 saying her dream is an open border where six hundred million people could come to America. That's not worth covering? You want to go back through the tapes of your show recently? You are fascinated with sex and you don't care about public policy."

Kelly denied being fascinated by sex, though her coverage of stories involving sex might prove otherwise, and claimed to be worried about the safety of women. What's more is when challenged by Newt Gingrich, Megyn Kelly would not call Bill Clinton a sexual predator, though she had no problem calling Donald Trump a sexual predator earlier in the interview. One might expect to hear this on a CNN interview, not from a Fox News host.


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