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Megyn Kelly On Mainstream Media: '(People) Need Us'

Megyn Kelly/NPR
Megyn Kelly/NPR
Megyn Kelly appeared on NPR promoting her new book and during the course of the interview she talked about why the public needs the mainstream media.

(They don't).

Everyone knows the mainstream media is a group of untrustworthy, deceitful, lying dividers that are doing more to harm the country, than good. Well that last part might be my opinion but whatever. Megyn Kelly says it's the complete opposite.

"People, as much fun as it is to hate us, people need us," proclaims Megyn Kelly. "People need good, strong, skeptical journalists to be covering whoever it is — whether it's Barack Obama or President Donald Trump — and we're in a dangerous phase right now, where too many millions of Americans aren't listening at all to what the press tells them. That concerns me."

No, Megyn, people hate you because they think you are biased. Plus, we think you and the mainstream media are confusing yourselves with 'strong, skeptical journalists'. You are propaganda artists. You are repeaters. You are not journalists. Yellow Journalists, maybe.

H/T - Mark Dice


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