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WIKILEAKS Reveal President Obama Lied About Knowledge of Clinton Server

Barack Obama
CBS News
Barack Obama may be in some hot water after Wikileaks released emails that show the President had knowledge of the Hillary Clinton email server. In March 2015, Obama told CBS News reporter Bill Plante he had no knowledge of the unacceptable email server in Hillary Clinton's home that contained confidential emails.

He lied.

"(I learned) at the same time as everyone else. Through news reports," said Obama "Let me say that Clinton is and has been an outstanding public servant. She was a great Secretary of State, for me."

Now if you weren't sure whether Obama was lying, the last part of his answer ("great Secretary of State") might tip you off. While Clinton did help kill one of the men who "masterminded" the attacks on 9/11, at the same time Clinton has taken money to fund her presidential campaign from the others who helped mastermind the 9/11 attacks.

"The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency," said Obama "and that's why my emails, the Blackberry that I carry around, are available and archived and I'm glad that Hillary is instructed that those emails that had to do with official business need to be disclosed."

Not only is Clinton in hot water for her poor judgement on confidential emails, it's been Clinton's judgement as Secretary of State that have led to her high unpopularity percentage with American voters. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton oversaw the disasters in Libya and Iraq and is responsible for the lack of response in Benghazi, a situation in which United States Ambassador Chris Stevens and others were killed. Reports later surfaced that the military was told to stand down.


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